I feel I have become more and more aware of my own self-kindness over the course of my studies. I do feel like school or work can negatively affect your own self-kindness if you let it. Personally, over the course of my studies and while working I have learnt the importance of being kind to myself, and finding ways to pick myself back up when feeling down. Ways that I practice self-kindness can involve words of affirmations – reminding myself of the things I am good at or did good at, etc. Reminding myself it is okay if I didn’t do as well on an assignment as I’d hoped, that it didn’t determine my self-worth, etc. Just little things - that ultimately turn into pretty powerful big things. Practicing self-kindness can also involve other people, like close friends or family who can remind you to be kind to yourself when you are particularly stressed or upset. Guided mediations or apps on mindfulness can also be a great tool.
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