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Writer's picture: Darian ShephardDarian Shephard

In my personal experience in school and in professional environments, I have experienced gossip many times. I agree with the studies that gossip is a pretty normal occurrence in group conversations and in different friendships etc. I feel the motivation could have been from many different things. Reflecting on my experience, gossip usually came about after discussing a certain project, event, or situation and may have been probed by for example; asking about a particular team-member or co-worker and their current role in a joint experience or project. I think when it comes to gossip it tends to be pretty emotion led. For example, if you’re stressed about an assignment and you are worried about a group-member’s contributions it may lead you to “vent” or “un-load” your current stresses to other close classmates or co-workers that are not necessarily a part of that situation. I do think it can be very negative gossip if you are shame-talking somebody else, especially if you are gossiping to people who also interact with that other person. It could turn out to be very hurtful.

I think on the more harmless end of gossip is when you are for example; discussing a past instructor you’ve had to a student who has never had them before. I have discussed with fellow students through-out high school and university what my personal experiences were with a particular teacher or instructor. Perhaps what I thought they were really good at teaching or vice versa. I would consider that gossip, however as long as you aren’t speaking about them in a very negative and destructive way then I think it is relatively acceptable.

It is always good to be mindful about what I am saying about other people, and what my motives are. Am I stressed and therefore venting about a particular situation? Am I gossiping to be intentionally destructive or just to express a thought or feeling?


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