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From designing a residential space that caters to a child with autism to my 4th year capstone project - a Women’s Wellness Centre that caters in trauma recovery and rehabilitation – I find I can’t help but be inspired by who the users of spaces are and what they require that’s special to them. After completing my degree in Interior Design through Kwantlen Polytechnic Universities CIDA accredited program, I am looking forward to applying my skills and abilities into a professional practice. Additionally, I have completed a certificate in computer aided drafting and design (CADD) and found the skills I learnt immensely useful when applied to the rest of my studies.

I am passionate about the design industry and seek ways to stay involved such as; volunteering for numerous years at the Vancouver Modern Home Tour, and in the student charrette at IDS – Vancouver. There I was able to attend the Shine Awards for the first time after my group’s outstanding team-work won over the panel of judges. I believe it is important to stay up-to-date on discussions within the industry especially regarding human-centered design, evidence-based design, sustainability, and health & wellness. â€‹


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